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NetworkSpinal Chiropractic in Cherry Hill

Back adjustmentPut simply, NetworkSpinal is a way to help your nervous system upgrade itself to become more energy-efficient, improve its ability to process stress and information and function at a higher level. This results in a super-charged healing capacity and a fuller experience of life, including greater emotional stability and range, improved mental clarity, and better overall health and function.

And all this is accomplished using a very light touch at specific points along the spine.


Upgrading Your Operating System

Your nervous system runs your body’s operating system. It dictates your experience of life based on how much energy it has access to. If you are experiencing a buildup of stressors in your life that you feel you can no longer adapt to gracefully, it may be time to upgrade your operating system. When you need to upgrade the operating system on your phone or tablet, do you forcefully bang on it and twist it around to get it to do what you want? No! A series of light touches at specific points to navigate the menus and initiate the update are all it takes. The device takes care of the rest itself, because the programming to accomplish what you are looking to do already exists. You don’t need to write the code yourself or micromanage the process – it just happens!

NetworkSpinal works the same way. A light touch at the right spot at the right time allows Dr. Nick to interface with your nervous system so it can run the apps it has to upgrade itself, using its own innate intelligence.

Schedule Today

Contact us today to book your first appointment and experience the changes a coherent nervous system can make in your life!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my spine get ‘cracked?’

Nope! NetworkSpinal is a gentle chiropractic technique that does not use traditional adjustments. Instead, it opts for light touches along specific points in the neck and low back that help your body unravel tension on its own.

How long does it take to notice a change?

That depends. Where you are in your life, what challenges you’re currently facing, and how long you have been facing those challenges all influence how long it may take for you to feel a difference in your body, your thoughts, and your behaviors. You may be surprised by some of the changes you experience.

Can I get care even if I don’t have pain or a health challenge?

Yes. One of the great things about NetworkSpinal is that it goes beyond “maintenance care” and helps your nervous system develop new strategies to adapt to stress and optimize your experience of life. Many practice members who have moved beyond pain with NetworkSpinal continue to receive care, some for the rest of their lives, because they recognize the benefits of having a healthy and coherent nervous system.

Is care safe for babies and children?

Yes, NetworkSpinal is profoundly impactful for children and even newborns. By helping the nervous system to develop coherently from a young age, children grow up healthier and better able to adapt to whatever life throws at them.


NetworkSpinal Chiropractic Cherry Hill NJ | (701) 369-0222