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About LightWave Chiropractic

Dad and son playingOur nervous system dictates every function of our bodies and the way we experience the world. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that run throughout the body. The nervous system also conveys thoughts and feelings about our environment and regulates how we respond to it.

When we experience stress that we do not have enough energy to adapt to, altered tension patterns called “subluxations” appear in our nervous system. These subluxations inhibit the nervous system’s ability to communicate properly. Altered communication results in altered function, like how a message changes over the course of the game of telephone.

With NetworkSpinal care—our specialty at LightWave Chiropractic—your nervous system can learn to release these subluxations and restore proper communication. This will give your body strategies for adapting to stress in the future and alleviate the problems caused by the miscommunication downstream.

Returning Home to Help His Community

Dr. Nick earned his Bachelors degree in Biology at Rutgers-Camden and Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Parker University in Dallas, Texas. While in Dallas, he trained to specialize in NetworkSpinal care under local doctors and at seminars around the country alongside his formal doctorate education at Parker. For many years, there had not been a NetworkSpinal practitioner in the South Jersey-Philadelphia area
where he grew up, so he decided to move back home and opened LightWave Chiropractic in a one-room office in 2023.
We expanded to our new, larger location in 2024.

We offer care for people of all ages, from newborns through seniors.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact us today to book your first appointment with Dr. Nick. We look forward to meeting you!


About LightWave Chiropractic | (701) 369-0222